Our Product

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Our Product por Mind Map: Our Product

1. Target Customers:

1.1. Main target customer will be gym users from the the age of 18+

1.2. Could also appeal to track athletes (joggers)

2. Marketing ideas

2.1. Use of Instragram influencers to help push out product to their followers (send the influencers the product for free).

2.2. Support high profile athletes so they have an association with our brand

2.3. Attending major sports events and sponsor the events or set up stalls around the events to gain awareness

3. Basic idea:

3.1. A clothing accessory that helps relieve pain/strain on muscles during and after a workout

3.2. We would like to incorporate a feature where the band strap can vibrate to enhance the performance on the product

4. Future of product:

4.1. We are discussing the possibility of linking our product to an app so that you can control the vibrations being used when turned on.

4.2. App will also let you see use and possibly see other workouts

4.3. Possibility to bring out different products/designs for different body parts with different colours or patterns on