Global warming

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Global warming por Mind Map: Global warming

1. Effects

1.1. Environment

1.1.1. Increase in average temperatures

1.1.2. Extreme weather events Floods Droughts Wildfires Storms

1.1.3. Ice melt ,sea levels rising and ocean acidification

1.1.4. Habitat destruction

1.2. Human

1.2.1. Health

1.2.2. Economy

1.2.3. Migration and conflict

1.2.4. Safety

2. Causes

2.1. Natural

2.1.1. Volcanic eruptions

2.1.2. The sun's rotation

2.1.3. Greenhouse gases

2.2. Man-made

2.2.1. Cutting down of trees

2.2.2. Burning of fossil fuels

2.2.3. Excessive release of smokes from industries and vehicles

2.2.4. Deforestation