Rational Functions: DaOn Choi Section 5

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Rational Functions: DaOn Choi Section 5 por Mind Map: Rational Functions: DaOn Choi Section 5

1. Intercepts

1.1. X- Intercept

1.1.1. The x-intercepts are the zeroes that the function passes through the x-axis.

1.1.2. You get the x- intercepts in the numerator of the function and then you equal it to zero in order to get the value to plug in in the graph.

1.2. Y- Intercept

1.2.1. The y-intercepts are the point in the y-axis that the function crosses through.

1.2.2. You find the y-intercept by substituting the x in the funtion with 0.

2. Asymptotes

2.1. Vertical

2.1.1. Veritcal line that will never touch the function and it helps to attract the functions. In other words it helps the functions to not touch each other.

2.1.2. You find the vertical asymptotes solving for the zeros in the denominator of the expression. However, if they are excluded values you don't count them.

2.2. Horizontal

2.2.1. Horizontal line in the graph that may touch the functions and it helps to guide the end behaviors of the function.

2.2.2. Horizontal asymptotes are founded depending in the degree of the denominator and the numerator of the expression. When the degree of the denominator is greater than the degree of the numerator y=o. When the degree of the numerator is bigger than the degree of the denominator there is no horizontal asymptotes. When the degree of the denominator and the numerator is equal you divide the leading coefficient of each expression of the denominator and numerator to get the value of "y".

2.3. Slanted

2.3.1. Slanted lines in the graph that will never touch the function and also it helps to attract the functions.

2.3.2. The slanted asymptotes are founded when the degree of the numerator is greater than the denominator. You find the value by dividing the polynomials.

3. Holes

3.1. Holes are the excluded values that are found in the graph.

3.2. Holes are founded when in the denominator and in the numerator they are the same factors and they cancel out. Grab that certain factor and find it's zeros to get the hole value.