Common school system

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Common school system por Mind Map: Common school system

1. Characteristics of CSS

2. *Common schools for all irrespective of their caste. *Free education. *No discrimination *Mother tongue will be the medium of instruction.

3. Geistesblitze

3.1. gvvgh

4. Meaning of CSS

5. Defination of CSS

5.1. Common schools for all irrespective of their caste,creed,religion and language

6. History of CSS

6.1. Developed by Kothari commision

7. Features of CSS

7.1. *Education from elementary to +2 stage *Free education *Unbiased admission *Fullfillment of norms

8. Principles of CSS

8.1. *Fundamental rights related with equality and justice must be followed *Directive principles *Eduction is not used for profit *School that promote inequality discrimination and injustice in society are not allowed to function