What do we want the learning environments at SMS to look like?

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What do we want the learning environments at SMS to look like? por Mind Map: What do we want the learning environments at SMS to look like?

1. Building Knowledge

2. Technology

2.1. Not just word Processing

2.1.1. Not cutting and paste facts

2.1.2. Word Processor

2.1.3. Internet Access

2.1.4. Discussion Forums

2.1.5. Online environment-Moodle

2.2. Using tools that accelerate learning in our subject areas

2.3. using more on the internet than google and wikipedia

2.4. Social Media?

2.4.1. What is the place for social media?

2.5. Provides for more people to be involved in the conversation through asynchronous discussion (blog, forum, etc.)

2.6. Allows for a variety of media for students to learn content (audio, visuals, movies, comics, web resources etc.

2.7. Allows for a variety of media for students to present/show their understanding

2.7.1. More Authentic Summative Assessments/Performance Tasks

2.8. Sometimes can provide for convenience and immediacy of formative assessment-feedback

2.8.1. Make selective response quicker and easier- save time

2.8.2. Feedback loops

2.9. Allow them to go further/ deeper

2.9.1. Not extra work-needs to be positive

2.10. Authenticity

2.10.1. Real world Audience

2.10.2. Real world data

2.10.3. Experts/mentors

2.10.4. Real world problems/issus

3. Instructional Designer

3.1. Assessment

3.1.1. Develops criteria

3.1.2. Ensures students are on the right track

3.1.3. Provides Feedback

3.1.4. Ensure Comprehension of key understandings and skills

3.2. Task

3.2.1. Focused on the big ideas

3.2.2. Driven by essential questions

3.2.3. Open ended project

3.2.4. Encourages Critical Thinking

3.2.5. Allows for creativity

4. The Teacher

4.1. Not the tech guru

4.2. Teacher' Role

4.2.1. Not always lecturing

4.2.2. Not focused on facts

4.2.3. Helps students to ask questions and seek answers

4.2.4. Modeling learning

4.2.5. Not in always the center of knowledge

4.2.6. One resource, but also helping students to find, use, and interpret alternative resources.

4.2.7. Creates instructional design (see below)

4.3. Learner

4.4. Helps students understand right and wrong

5. The Learners

5.1. Curious

5.1.1. questioning

5.1.2. Thinking critically

5.2. Resourceful

5.3. Interacting Face to face with teachers and each other (relationships)

5.4. Independent work time

5.5. Collaboration (co-creating knowledge) face to face and online

5.5.1. Creative

5.5.2. talking things through

5.5.3. Feedback/perception checking

5.6. Sincere desire to know and understand more tomorrow than they do today

5.7. New node

5.8. skills to use resources effectively

5.9. Learners help learners

5.10. Engaged

6. The Work Being Engaged In