Input/Output Devices

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Input/Output Devices por Mind Map: Input/Output Devices

1. Output Data

1.1. Printer

1.1.1. Hard Copies

1.1.2. Data

1.1.3. Text

1.2. Monitor

1.2.1. E-mails

1.2.2. Display of text

1.2.3. Display of data

1.3. USB's

1.4. CD's

2. Input Data

2.1. CD's

2.2. USB's

2.3. Keyboard

2.3.1. Type Text

2.3.2. Type Data

2.3.3. Type in Commands

2.4. Mouse

2.4.1. Highlight selected text

2.4.2. Click on icons

2.4.3. Able to scroll up & down documents

2.4.4. Able to scroll up & down screen

2.5. Online downloads

2.6. Scanner

2.6.1. Images

2.6.2. Documents