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eLims-NG por Mind Map: eLims-NG

1. Sprint Review

1.1. All should be active to know the changes done by other as per plan

1.2. Actively go through the sprint review document

2. Sprint RetroSpection

2.1. Should discuss the good things happened in the sprint

2.2. Should mention all the impediments and assigned to the owner with target date

2.3. Appreciate someone for the exceptional/Ad hoc work

3. Build & Release

3.1. Check in Builds take more time closer to the deployment window

3.2. Number of Deployment window and the timing is not feasible

3.3. Integrated Dev server need for the specific team

3.4. Roll back of failed or errored build

3.5. Waiting time to deploy new build in higher environment takes more time

4. Intigration/UAT Testing

4.1. Proper set up of test data

4.2. Well known to any new changes done in sprint

4.3. Proper steps with information should be mentioned in bug

4.4. Need DB access for the UAT environment for the developer

5. HyperCare/ Production Issue

5.1. Need DB access for the PPD & PRD environment for the developer

5.2. Dedicated team member should assign and give priority

6. Performance Testing

6.1. Staring of the release development, the test scenario with test data and performance matrix should define

6.1.1. Communicate to the particular team

6.1.2. Development team should use App dynamics and Stackify to address the performance bug

6.1.3. App Dynamics should configure for CID environment

6.2. Optimize the Database

6.2.1. Proper Indexing

6.2.2. Clean up old data

6.3. Identify the Business data that can be Cached

6.4. Performance test case should come as UR not Bug

7. Grooming

7.1. PBI/RFC should be Approved before Grooming

7.2. Should not Groom all dependent PBI/RFC in one sprint

7.3. Scrum team should analyse and identify all the dependency before giving effort

7.4. Architect should present in Grooming

7.5. After proper analysis and adding task, we should give effort for PBI/RCF

8. Sprint Planning

8.1. Priorities the all the tasks for the sprint

8.2. Enough Approved PBI/RFC

8.3. Should have discussion in order resolve the dependency and address problem area

8.4. PBI/RFC should be done on or before the estimate time

8.5. Team can analyze the next sprint PBI/RFC in advance.

9. Development

9.1. Analyze the Task (PBI/RFC/BUG)

9.1.1. Discuss with QA/BA/SME for test case and impact area to test Prepare the solution approach document & finalized with the Team Lead/ Architect Done Implementation with Dev Testing

10. Testing

10.1. Automate Testing

10.1.1. reduce the regression test time

10.2. Exploratory Testing

10.2.1. reduce the higher environment CIT/UAT/PRD bugs

10.3. Business Test Scenario

10.3.1. reduce the UAT/PPD/PRD bugs

10.4. In sprint new PBI/RFC defined test case

10.4.1. reduce CID bugs

10.5. In Sprint 2 round of PBI/RFC testing. 1- Verify the PBI/RFC as per defined TC 2- Exploratory & Regression testing

11. Functional & Technical Forum

11.1. Should know basic functionality of other NG Application

11.2. Cross team interaction