Helping students negotiate conversational and academic language

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Helping students negotiate conversational and academic language por Mind Map: Helping students negotiate conversational and academic language

1. Activity to help to understood conversational and academic language

1.1. 1. Students will talk about familiar topics such as: Favorite food, clothes. After that, they will list,in something, characteristics about their favorite food

1.2. 2.Students will talk using linking words such as because, for instance, for example, etc. Then, they will increasing critical thinking thought the comparison between conversational and academic language

1.3. 3. After that, they will create a "white board" including linking words, example, etc.

2. Conversational language

2.1. Facial expressions

2.2. Simpler sentences

2.3. Common words and phrases

2.4. Familiar topics

2.5. "Friendly" face

3. Academic Language

3.1. Common Core State Standards for English language

3.1.1. it allows to Comprehend and evaluate complex texts Construct effective arguments and convey intricate or multifaceted information Discern a speakers key points

3.1.2. It is focus on Able to engage in the rich Meaningful discussion