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Restaurants por Mind Map: Restaurants

1. Outdoors

1.1. Developmental Domains: 1. Health and Physical Development, 2. Social and Emotional Development, 3.Language Development and Communication, 4. Approaches to Learning, 5. Cognition and General Knowledge

1.2. Field Trip to the local restaurant. Family members invited.

1.3. Picnic Snack/Lunch

1.4. Open ended materials for recess: Sandbox with sand toys, balls, jump ropes

2. Science

2.1. Developmental Domains: 1. Health and Physical Development, 2. Social and Emotional Development, 3.Language Development and Communication, 4. Approaches to Learning, 5. Cognition and General Knowledge

2.2. Activity: Ice cream making activity. Teacher and students will use an ice cream ball maker to make ice cream.

2.3. Activity: Exploration center: Explore a variety of items and foods used for cooking such as pasta and dough.

2.4. Activity: Pancake making activity. Family members included. Students will assist teacher in measuring ingredients and mixing for pancakes. Teacher will cook pancakes and students will serve to their families.

3. Math/Table Toys

3.1. Developmental Domains: 1. Health and Physical Development, 2. Social and Emotional Development, 3.Language Development and Communication, 4. Approaches to Learning, 5. Cognition and General Knowledge

3.2. Activity: Pom Pom Ice Cream Math

3.3. Fruit Pattern Activity

3.4. Activity: Comparing sizes (Small, Medium, Large) with restaurant cups, containers, food items

4. Blocks

4.1. Developmental Domains: 1. Health and Physical Development, 2. Social and Emotional Development, 3.Language Development and Communication, 4. Approaches to Learning, 5. Cognition and General Knowledge

4.2. Drive Thru

4.3. Activity: Role play drive through scene using blocks to make props.

5. Music

5.1. Developmental Domains: 1. Health and Physical Development, 2. Social and Emotional Development, 3.Language Development and Communication, 4. Approaches to Learning, 5. Cognition and General Knowledge

5.2. Finger Plays

5.3. Songs

5.4. Movement

6. Dramatic Play

6.1. Developmental Domains: 1. Health and Physical Development, 2. Social and Emotional Development, 3.Language Development and Communication, 4. Approaches to Learning, 5. Cognition and General Knowledge

6.2. Activity: Role playing in restaurant with costumes and props

6.3. Sit Down Restaurant

7. Library/Writing/Listening

7.1. Developmental Domains: 1. Health and Physical Development, 2. Social and Emotional Development, 3.Language Development and Communication, 4. Approaches to Learning, 5. Cognition and General Knowledge

7.2. Activity: Designing and constructing menus from drawings or pictures from magazines. Students will also design and make signs for the restaurants.

7.3. Activity: Writing play plans.

7.4. Activity: Exploring books about food and places to eat.

8. Art

8.1. Developmental Domains: 1. Health and Physical Development, 2. Social and Emotional Development, 3.Language Development and Communication, 4. Approaches to Learning, 5. Cognition and General Knowledge

8.2. Activity: Prop making of items for restaurants such as pizzas, pasta dishes, steaks, buffet items, fast food items. etc.

8.3. Activity: Broccoli Paint Brush and Color Mixing

8.4. Pasta Art

9. Sensory Table

9.1. Developmental Domains: 1. Health and Physical Development, 2. Social and Emotional Development, 3.Language Development and Communication, 4. Approaches to Learning, 5. Cognition and General Knowledge

9.2. Food Buffet

9.3. Activity: Role playing in a buffet restaurant with costumes and props.

10. Computer

10.1. Developmental Domains: 1. Health and Physical Development, 2. Social and Emotional Development, 3.Language Development and Communication, 4. Approaches to Learning, 5. Cognition and General Knowledge

10.2. Activity: Students view a video on different types of restaurants and a slide show of student made props in pretend settings.