Climate Zone Shift

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Climate Zone Shift por Mind Map: Climate Zone Shift

1. Ice-melt in the North

1.1. Species emigration

1.2. Animal disease spread

2. Logging Forest in Amazon

2.1. Degradation

2.1.1. Hunger

2.2. Weather disaster

2.2.1. Homeless

2.2.2. Migration

2.3. Species emigration

3. CO2 Emission in the West

3.1. Geographical change

3.1.1. Deforestation Drought

3.1.2. Farming problem Hunger

3.2. Flood

3.2.1. Water pollution

3.3. Air pollution

4. Exploring Oil and Diamond in Africa

4.1. Water pollution

4.2. Labor exploitation

4.3. Armed Conflict

4.4. Forest degradation

4.5. Weather disaster

4.5.1. Homeless

4.5.2. Hunger

4.5.3. Illegal border Crossing

5. Gas Production in Russia

5.1. Sea pollution

5.2. Pipeline explosion

5.3. Sea species emigrant

5.4. Weather disaster

5.4.1. Homeless

5.5. Air pollution

5.6. Political power influence

5.6.1. Gas limited

5.6.2. Losing lives

6. Decline of Crop yields in Asia

6.1. Rural to Urban

6.2. Jobless problem

6.3. Poverty

6.4. Seeking job oversea

6.4.1. Immigrant problem

6.4.2. Prostitution

6.4.3. Labor exploitation