My favourite gadget: MOBILE PHONE

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My favourite gadget: MOBILE PHONE por Mind Map: My favourite gadget: MOBILE PHONE


1.1. Examples

1.1.1. tablets

1.1.2. Computer

1.1.3. e-books

1.1.4. mobile phone

1.1.5. netbooks

1.1.6. gps

1.2. adjectives

1.2.1. expensive

1.2.2. useful

1.2.3. cheap

1.3. expression

1.3.1. Sth costs an arm and a leg

1.3.2. brand new

1.3.3. second hand

2. 2. What's special about it?

2.1. USES

2.1.1. take photos

2.1.2. read

2.1.3. watch videos

2.1.4. make calls

2.1.5. check social media

2.1.6. send messages

2.1.7. to scan codes

2.1.8. take down notes

2.2. special situations

2.2.1. check gps

2.2.2. emergency calls