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1. not, ins't, aren't are added to the present negative continuum, in order to form the present negative continuum

1.1. Examples

1.1.1. I'm not good at playing

1.1.2. you are not playing

1.1.3. he is not very good at playing

1.1.4. she is not good at playing

1.1.5. it's bad not to playing

1.1.6. we don't playing

1.1.7. they are not good at playing

2. the present continuous interrogative It is formed with the present tense of the verb to be, the pronoun and the verb ending in -ing (gerund)

2.1. Examples

2.1.1. Am I not working?

2.1.2. Is he working?

2.1.3. Are we doing the right thing?

2.1.4. Are you not working?

2.1.5. Is he working?

2.1.6. Are they building a house?

2.1.7. he is working

2.1.8. it's bad to do that?

2.1.9. we do the right thing?

3. I'm playing

4. What do we use the present continuous for? it is used for events that are happening in or around this moment, they are simply the situations that occur at this very moment

5. Present affirmative continuous is formed by conjugating the verb "to be" in present indicative followed by a verb in the form -ing.

5.1. Examples

5.1.1. You are playing

5.1.2. he's drinking

5.1.3. She is working

5.1.4. It is playing

5.1.5. We are playing

5.1.6. they are playing

5.1.7. We are playing