Brainstorming Marketing

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Brainstorming Marketing por Mind Map: Brainstorming Marketing

1. Social Media

1.1. Meet Edgar

1.1.1. Twitter

1.1.2. Instagram

1.1.3. Facebook

1.2. YouTube

1.2.1. How To Videos

1.2.2. Educational/Informational

1.3. Blog Website

1.3.1. Blogging Content

2. Cash Buyers

2.1. Create a list with each zip code

2.2. Write a handwritten letter to them

2.3. See what they have bought and where

3. Marketing Campaigns

3.1. Email Campaign

3.1.1. Investors

3.1.2. People whose emails I have

3.1.3. Business card emails

3.1.4. Use BombBomb To create and send out personalized emails

3.2. Direct Mail

3.2.1. Every Week

3.2.2. Send to Distressed

3.3. Social Media

3.3.1. My circle

3.3.2. Showing Warmth

3.3.3. Competence

4. Multi Family

4.1. What is the area with the most?

4.2. Who is buying most?

4.3. Location, prices, best, distressed, cap rates

4.4. Market to them through social media Ads

5. Networking

5.1. Events

6. Driving For Dollars

7. Distressed Properties

7.1. Probates

7.1.1. How to get Probates from MLS, Remine, what system, etc

7.1.2. Create a list by zip codes

7.1.3. Find their family members address

7.1.4. Send letters to them and the mailing address

7.1.5. Call 4-7 days after

7.1.6. Create an informational video

7.1.7. Target on Fb

7.2. Absentee Owners

7.2.1. In State: Prepare a List By Zip Codes Send Post card to actual Address "Still renting? Let's Talk about saving you Money!"

7.2.2. Out of State: Create a list by zip codes Send post cards "Tired of being a landlord?"/ "Why now is a great time to sell?"

7.3. Pre foreclosures

7.3.1. Prepare a leads list (By Zip Codes)

7.3.2. Send Mail

7.3.3. Call 4-7days after

7.3.4. Create a Video Offering Help Post on YouTube Post On IG, FB, Twitter

7.3.5. Target them on FB using emails

8. Retail Buyers

8.1. Market Through Social Media

8.2. Blogsites

9. Listings

9.1. Create a list of the neighborhoods nearby the listings

9.2. Send postcards to people in neighborhood "This house is up for sell, choose your neighbor by telling a family or friend."

9.3. Videos

9.3.1. Virtual Open Houses

9.3.2. Make TikTok with Videos

9.3.3. Post on Facebook

9.3.4. Post on Instagram

9.3.5. Look up what to do with Listing Videos