Desktop Operating System

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Desktop Operating System por Mind Map: Desktop Operating System

1. Cons:

1.1. New Mac malware epidemic exploits weaknesses in Apple ecosystem

1.2. "It appears Directory Services in Lion no longer requires authentication

2. Mac os x

2.1. Pros:

2.1.1. automatically pulling in contacts, bookmarks, calendars and other data in ‘sync’ with the service when you first log in.

2.1.2. Apple pushes the boundaries further with Mountain Lion by introducing sandboxing for desktop applications;

3. Ubuntu

3.1. Cons:

3.1.1. not as user friendly as Windows is

3.1.2. l does offer technical support solutions for people (for a yearly fee)

3.2. Pros:

3.2.1. casual (and touch) friendly UI

3.2.2. smart menu system that easily groups together all your “apps” in one easy place,

4. New node

5. Windows

5.1. Pros:

5.1.1. 8-12 seconds

5.1.2. Microsoft’s own cloud-storage service so you can access your important documents from any device with internet connection;

5.2. Cons:

5.2.1. window controls, which now can’t be resized,

5.2.2. is that while it’s great as a touchscreen experience, it doesn’t work so well with a traditional desktop mouse and keyboard setup.