Physical Features of India

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Physical Features of India por Mind Map: Physical Features of India

1. Northern Plains

1.1. Punjab Plains

1.2. Ganga Plains

1.3. Brahmaputra Plains

2. Peninsular region

2.1. The Western Ghats

2.2. The Eastern Ghats

2.3. central highlands

2.4. Chhota Nagpur plateau

2.5. Mikr hills

2.6. Deccan plateau

3. The great Himalayas

3.1. Trans Himalaya

3.2. Greater Himalaya

3.3. Lesser Himalaya

3.4. The Shiwaliks

4. Coastal Plains

4.1. The Western Coast

4.1.1. Konkan

4.1.2. Kannad plain

4.1.3. Malabar Coast

4.2. The Gujarat Coast

4.3. The Eastern Coast

4.3.1. Northern Circar

4.3.2. Coramandal Coast

5. Indian Desert

6. Islands

6.1. Andaman and Nicobar

6.2. Lakshadweep