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Browsers por Mind Map: Browsers

1. Internet Explorer

1.1. Pro

1.1.1. Sandboxing

1.1.2. Offers every help option

1.2. Con

1.2.1. No built-in spell check

1.2.2. Poor Security

2. Chrome

2.1. Pro

2.1.1. Top-notch speed

2.1.2. Browser sync

2.2. Con

2.2.1. Browser sync access

2.2.2. Memory leak

3. Safari

3.1. Pro

3.1.1. Security

3.1.2. Unobtrusive

3.2. Con

3.2.1. Syncing capabilities

3.2.2. Zoom controls

4. Opera

4.1. Pro

4.1.1. Tab stacks

4.1.2. Voice commands searching

4.2. Con


4.2.2. Closed source and no modular buildup

5. Firefox

5.1. Pro

5.1.1. Steath mode

5.1.2. Security

5.2. Con

5.2.1. Seperate url and search bar

5.2.2. Memory leak