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Leadership por Mind Map: Leadership

1. Animal Kingdom

1.1. Lions

1.2. Eco systems

1.3. Strong

1.4. Food chain

1.5. Eagle

2. Authority

2.1. Control

2.2. Police

2.3. Fire fighters

3. Qualities of leaders

3.1. Courage

3.2. passion

3.3. Kindness

4. Government

4.1. monarchy

4.2. President

4.3. Rules

4.4. Dictator

4.5. Democracy

4.6. Government laws

4.7. Mayor

4.8. governor

4.9. deputies

4.10. councilors

4.11. Barak Obama

4.12. Economics

5. Responsibilities

5.1. Decisions

5.2. Organization

5.3. To be a true leader!

5.4. To be loyal

6. Sports

6.1. Soccer

6.2. Vôlei

6.3. Coach

6.4. Tennis

6.5. Basketball

7. Famous Leaders

7.1. Martin Luther King, Jr

7.2. Malala

7.3. Nelson Mandella

7.4. George Washington

7.5. Winston Churchill

7.6. Napoleon

7.7. Barak Obama

7.8. Gandhi

7.9. Queen Elizabeth

7.10. Julius Ceasar

7.11. Donald Trump

7.12. Michl

7.13. Winston Churchilli

7.14. Abraham Lincoln