elements of geography

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elements of geography por Mind Map: elements of geography

1. perceptual region

1.1. based on their own perception ,reflects indivdual mental maps ,can stem from stereotypes ,there are no set or defined borders

1.1.1. perceptual regions of north america

1.1.2. west,midwest,southwest,acadia,gulf,south,north,east canda,atlantic,east

2. physical system ,phyiscal geography

2.1. climate,land,water,plants,and animal life

3. human system

3.1. human activaty and their relationship to the cultrual or physical enviroments ,movement

4. the uses of geography

4.1. to explore the entire world

5. the world in speacile terms

5.1. absolute

5.1.1. an exact point on the earth

5.2. relative

5.2.1. uses a refrence point to identify one place in relation to anouther

6. places and regions

6.1. places

6.1.1. katy is hot all day the wheather is bypolor

6.2. regions

6.2.1. formal,functional,perceptual

6.3. formal region

6.3.1. the region is defined and has set boundries

6.4. funcatniol regions

6.4.1. intcorporates a central hub and a surrounding area that is connected to the central hub

7. enviroment and sociaty

7.1. hie:human-enviroment intercation ,how pepole and the enviorment affect one anouthr