Affiliate Marketing

What is Affiliate Marketing?

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Affiliate Marketing por Mind Map: Affiliate Marketing

1. What is affiliate marketing?

1.1. Marketing/Selling 3rd party product

1.2. You will get commission on sale

1.3. Drive the customer and sell their product

1.4. You are a mediator between buyer and seller

1.5. Referral marketing

2. Why to do affiliate marketing?

2.1. Huge Earning Potential

2.2. No investment required

2.3. No any risk of loss

2.4. You are helping your blog traffic by recommending products

2.5. Simplest way to monetise your blog

2.6. You can work from anywhere

2.7. No need of customer care/support

3. How affiliate marketing works?

3.1. Earn per click

3.2. Earn per sale

3.3. Private affiliate programs

4. How to choose affiliate offers?

4.1. Based on your blog/channel

4.2. Based on your Niche

4.3. Based on product reviews

4.4. Bases on Trends

4.5. Based on your blog traffic

4.6. Based on commission you will be getting

4.7. Based on Payout

5. Top affiliate networks

5.1. Amazon

5.2. Flipkart

5.3. Godaddy

5.4. JVzoo

5.5. Shareasale

6. Affliate marketing tools

6.1. Blogging Tools

6.1.1. Wordpress

6.1.2. Medium

6.1.3. Blogger

6.1.4. Blogspot

6.1.5. Wix

6.2. Email Marketing Tools

6.3. Niche research and SEO Tools

6.3.1. Uber Suggest

6.3.2. Ahrefs

6.3.3. Google suggest

6.3.4. SemRush


6.3.6. Google Search Console

6.3.7. Quora

7. How to promote affiliate offers?

7.1. Blogging

7.1.1. Write review of the product

7.1.2. Drive traffic to your blog from external sources

7.1.3. Generate organic traffic to your blog

7.2. Social Media

7.2.1. Telegram

7.2.2. Youtube

7.2.3. Linkedin

7.2.4. Twitter

7.2.5. Instagram

7.2.6. Quora

7.3. Paid Ads

7.4. Content Marketing

7.5. Email Marketing

7.6. Search Engine Optimisation

7.7. Facebook