Website Planning

This mind map helps you with level 1 of website development.

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Website Planning por Mind Map: Website Planning

1. 4. Features

1.1. mobile friendly

1.2. customer reviews

1.3. audio and video

1.4. responsive chat

1.5. contact us

1.6. ecommerce

1.7. social media integration

2. 6. Deliverables

2.1. Site Map

2.2. Content writing for all pages

2.3. Contact us Form

2.4. Newsletter Subscription Form

2.5. Mobile friendly Website

2.6. Fully optimized wordpress site

2.7. Backup and recovery for site

3. 5. UI/UX

3.1. user experience

3.2. visual experience

3.3. consistency and clarity

3.4. font / color / heading

3.5. site navigation

3.6. site contents

3.6.1. Home page

3.6.2. About us

3.6.3. Projects

3.6.4. services

3.6.5. blogs

3.6.6. contact us

4. Technology

4.1. domain registration

4.2. hosting partners

4.3. CMS selection

4.4. backup and restore

4.5. front end /back end and database

5. 1. Objectives

5.1. Vision

5.2. mission

5.3. stakeholders

5.4. investors

6. 2. Audience

6.1. customers

6.2. corporates

6.3. geography

6.4. income group

6.5. behavior patterns

7. 3. Strategy

7.1. blogs

7.2. Content

7.3. Brand

7.4. Logo

7.5. selection of agency

7.6. phases of release