Languge Theoretical Perspectives

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Languge Theoretical Perspectives por Mind Map: Languge Theoretical Perspectives

1. Interactionist Theory

1.1. Socialcultural role in the development of language

1.1.1. Language development depends the cultural environment

1.2. Vygotsky (theorist)

2. Behaviorist Theory

2.1. The role Nurture has on Language

2.1.1. language development depends on environment

2.2. B.F. Skinner (Theorist)

3. Cognitive Developmentalist Theory

3.1. The role of maturation in language

3.1.1. Language development is aquired during maturation

3.2. Jean Piaget (Theorist)

4. Nativist Theory

4.1. The role nature has on language

4.1.1. Language development is inborn

4.2. Niam Chomsky (Theorist)