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tali por Mind Map: tali

1. Music Business

1.1. sync licensing

1.2. publishing

1.3. social media

1.4. managing

2. Experience

2.1. Berklee College of Music

2.1.1. Berklee A&R

2.1.2. Music business club

2.1.3. Major: Music business management

2.1.4. Minor: Creative Coding

2.2. Internships

2.2.1. Boston Live Music Census

2.2.2. Treacherous records

2.2.3. tictic inc.

2.2.4. Brain Candy Management

3. Clientele

3.1. young, new artists

3.2. any genre but leaning towards pop, alternative

4. Personality

4.1. funny

4.2. personable

4.3. creative

5. Goals

5.1. travel the world, experience new cultures

5.2. be successful while doing something I love

5.3. help every artist share their voice

6. hih