Theoretical Prespectives and Language Development

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Theoretical Prespectives and Language Development por Mind Map: Theoretical Prespectives and Language Development

1. *There are 3 Interactionist approaches: There are 3 Interactionist approaches: 1.Piaget’s developmental cognitive theory 2.Information processing 3.Social interactionist approach

2. Behaviorist - 1.) Founded by B.K. Skinner 2.)As name suggests, it is founded on observable behavior 3.) Learned from reinforcement or conditioning *Two key aspects of this theory state that, "* Child’s behavior reinforced and will be repeated 4.)Language development a result of training not maturation. Example: If a child asks for a cookie and we respond with the desired cookie it is likely the child will associate the word "cookie" with the object.

3. Cognitive Developmentalist Theory/Cognitive Processing 1.) Attributed to Hoff and Naigles (2002) 2.). Theorists believe that,, " the toddlers they studied learned more words when their mothers exposed them to more language; that is, they talked to them more and used more different words and longer, more complex utterances. Cognitive processing theorists argue that language learning happens independently of mothers’ responsiveness to their children’s speech and of children’s social abilities" (

3.1. Problem 1

3.2. Problem 2

4. *Interactionist Perspective * 1.)Concentrates on the interaction between the environment and biological and cognitive development 2.) Marries Behaviorism and Nativism 3.) Theory States that both a biological disposition and experiences play equal roles in learning.

5. Nativist or Linguistic perspective 1. Founded by Noam Chomsky (1968) 2.) This perspective utilizes the concept of the Language Acquisition Device (LAD) 3.)A biologically based, innate module for picking up language needs only to be triggered by verbal input from the environment 4.)*Within the LAD is a universal grammar 4.) A part of the LAD that containbs all the basic rules (