Tenders for 2012-2013 schools

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Tenders for 2012-2013 schools por Mind Map: Tenders for 2012-2013 schools

1. Projectors

1.1. Priority

1.2. Quantities

1.2.1. C1,C2,C3,C4,C5 = 85 schools

1.2.2. 29 for each school

1.2.3. Total of 2465 projectors

1.2.4. Hani: Calculate the required quantities??

1.2.5. Mohammad Alaarag: put the Specs Do we need wireless or not?

1.3. Projectors IWB or Interactive boards

1.3.1. Cost

1.3.2. Lamp life

1.3.3. lamp cost

1.3.4. Pen Cost? How many pens?

1.3.5. Lamp warranty?

1.4. Budgetary price?? for 2465??

2. Interactive Boards

2.1. Priority

2.2. Do we really needs Interactive boards? How many?

3. Photocopiers

3.1. B/W

3.2. Color??

4. Printers

4.1. A4 B/W

4.2. A4 color??

5. Laptops

5.1. Priority

5.2. Available Quantities

5.2.1. 2650 from the current contract + 20%

5.2.2. Hani to request the 20% from now

5.2.3. List of the schools

5.2.4. starting with e-education schools

5.2.5. some schools already got new Laptops like Omar & AlBayan from cohort1

5.2.6. If the school is one of education schools, they will get laptops according to the no. of teachers

5.2.7. If the school is from C1, C2 and C5 and not part of the eeducation, they will take max of 52 laptops

5.2.8. The quantity for C6 for renewal? also SEC needs for 2012-2013. and the additional quantities for e eduaction schools

5.2.9. Hani: Put the specs for the new laptops

5.2.10. Hani: send the distribution list to the company

6. Desktops

6.1. Desktops are sufficient no need for additional quantities or tenders

6.1.1. Task 1

6.1.2. Task 2