How are these elements essential to a successful exhibition?

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How are these elements essential to a successful exhibition? por Mind Map: How are these elements essential to a successful exhibition?

1. International-mindedness

1.1. Knowing the importance of caring for others

1.2. Demonstrating the IB Learner Profiles

1.3. Being able to identify and understand the UN Sustainability Goals

1.4. Learning and applying what it means to be a global citizen

2. Inquiry Process

2.1. Understanding that learning is a process

2.2. Being able to think of novel ideas and put them into action

2.3. Being able to follow a process that allows reflection and time to improve on ideas

2.4. Allowing students to understand the importance of barriers in their learning

3. Approaches to Learning

3.1. Skills acquired throughout the PYP, then applied during exhibition

3.2. 21st century skills

3.3. Skills that are developed and applied in real world settings

3.4. An authentic and effective way to assess students

3.5. Covers all bases when it comes to ongoing learning and the inquiry process

3.6. Demonstrating the IB Learner Profiles

3.7. Holding students accountable to their learning

3.8. Each skill plays an important role in the students process of developing a successful exhibition