Courtenay's Freshman/Jr.Portfolio

Plan your projects and define important tasks and actions

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Courtenay's Freshman/Jr.Portfolio por Mind Map: Courtenay's Freshman/Jr.Portfolio

1. Standard ELA 4

1.1. Reflection

1.1.1. Materials

1.1.2. Personel

1.1.3. Services

1.1.4. Duration

1.1.5. New node

2. Stand ELA 5

2.1. Mini Book

2.2. Reflection

3. Stand ELA 3

3.1. Reflection

4. Personal Webpage

5. Standard ELA 8

5.1. Reflection

5.2. Hydro-power Project

6. Shooter Majig

7. American Diversity

8. President

9. Standard ELA 7

9.1. Reflection

9.1.1. Dependencies

9.1.2. Milestones

9.2. Industrial Renovation

10. Standard ELA 4

10.1. Reflection

10.2. Vocab

11. Standard ELA 2

11.1. Reflection

11.2. Astronomy

12. Introduction ( Please Read First )

13. Standard ELA 6

13.1. Reflection