Jasmine Salinas's Freshman Portfolio

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Jasmine Salinas's Freshman Portfolio por Mind Map: Jasmine Salinas's Freshman Portfolio

1. ELA Standard 1

1.1. Algebra II Dictionary Reflection

1.2. Dictionary

2. ELA Standard 3

2.1. Textual Evidence Reflection

2.2. Textual Evidence

3. ELA Standard 5

3.1. Spanish Blog Reflection

3.2. Blog's Website

3.3. Partner's Blogs

4. ELA Standard 7

4.1. The Mighty Ducks Reflection

4.1.1. The Mighty Ducks Essay

4.2. Renaissance Entrepreneur Reflections

4.2.1. Rubric

5. Introduction (Begin Journey Here)

6. Learn Some Stuff About Me

7. ELA Standard 4

7.1. Writing Improvement Reflection

7.1.1. El Niño Essay

7.1.2. Religious Oppression Essay

8. Conclusion (You're done?)

9. ELA Standard 6

9.1. Ethan's Book Reflection

9.2. Ethan's Book (A Few Pages)

10. ELA Standard 8

10.1. SWLO Relection

10.2. Notes

11. ELA Standard 2

11.1. Informational Packet Reflection

11.2. Info Packet Sheets

12. My Assessment Data Analysis