Organizational Culture


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Organizational Culture por Mind Map: Organizational Culture

1. Structures & Processes

1.1. Rewards

1.2. Building the product

1.3. Training and development

1.4. Communications

1.5. Disciplinary

2. Concept: Organizational culture is the collection of values, expectations, and practices that guide and inform the actions of all team members.

3. types of organizational culture

3.1. Power culture

3.2. Role culture

3.3. Task culture

3.4. Personal culture

4. Good Leader

4.1. Integrity

4.2. Ability to delegate

4.3. Gratitude

4.4. Influence

4.5. Empathy

5. Behaviours

5.1. Socialising

5.2. Leadership

5.3. Decision Making

5.4. With customers

6. Beliefs

6.1. Values

6.2. Learning continuously

6.3. Presumptions

6.4. Ideology

7. Things (How does it feel?)

7.1. Your ownself workspace

7.2. Buildings

7.3. Equipments

7.4. Attire

7.5. Workplace decor