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1. Recruitment

1.1. Internal Sources

1.1.1. Transfers

1.1.2. Internal Advertisement

1.1.3. Recall from Long Leave

1.2. External Sources

1.2.1. Management Consultants

1.2.2. Public Advertisement

1.2.3. Recommendations

1.2.4. Deputation Personnel

1.2.5. Campus Recruitment

2. Selection

2.1. Criteria development

2.2. Application and resume' review

2.3. Interviewing

2.4. Test administration

2.5. Making the offer

3. Staffing as function of HRM

3.1. Employees Benefits

3.2. Compensation

3.3. Annual, sick, and personal leave

3.4. Sick banks

3.5. Records

3.6. Recruitment and employees retention strategies

3.7. Salary and Administration

4. Training and Development training inputs:

4.1. Skills

4.2. Education

4.3. Development

4.4. Ethics

4.5. Problem Solving Skills

4.6. Decision making

4.7. Attitudinal Change

5. New Topic