Social Justice

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Social Justice por Mind Map: Social Justice

1. Immigrant rights

1.1. The forcing of native Americans out of states

1.2. building the wall

2. Religious Rights

2.1. Some people hated Islam

2.2. christianity wasn't allowed in some places

3. Class Rights

3.1. people had better/worse jobs because of how rich they were

3.2. in ancient egypt, class was what got you a good reputation

4. Black rights

4.1. Harriet Tubman

4.1.1. Underground railroad

4.2. MLK Jr

4.2.1. "i have a dream" Civil rights mvmt

4.3. Bus Boycott

5. Gender Equality

5.1. Women's Rights

5.2. LGBTQ Rights

6. Disability Rights

6.1. People poke fun at people with disabilities

6.2. Braille helps the blind communicate with others