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Growing up por Mind Map: Growing up

1. Social life

1.1. Social media

1.2. Hobbies

1.2.1. Riding a bike

1.2.2. Do sports

1.2.3. Meet friends

1.2.4. Football

1.2.5. Basketball

1.2.6. Dancing

1.2.7. Singing

1.2.8. Cheerleading

1.3. Sports

1.4. Meet friends

1.4.1. Good Friends

1.4.2. Bad Friends

1.5. Spend time with family

1.6. Parties

1.7. Bad eating habits

1.8. School/work

1.9. Health

2. Childhood

2.1. First day of school

2.2. First day of kindergarden

2.3. Meet new friends and people

2.4. Learn a lot how to do something

2.5. Trips

3. Experience

3.1. Bad environment

3.2. Alcohol

3.3. Drugs

3.4. School & family problems

3.5. Finding own personality

3.6. First relationship

3.7. Meet new friends

4. School

4.1. Learning

4.2. Exams

4.3. Stress

4.4. Bully

4.5. New friends