Typology of wines according to sweetness of wine must (naturally dehydrated while on the vine)

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Typology of wines according to sweetness of wine must (naturally dehydrated while on the vine) por Mind Map: Typology of wines according to sweetness of wine must (naturally dehydrated while on the vine)

1. Wine with original certification (VOC)

1.1. Similar to AOC (France) od DOC (Italy)

2. Selection of berries

2.1. Botrytic harvest

2.2. Over-ripened exotic fruit

2.3. Candied fruit peel

3. Wine from a specific region

4. Table wines / House wines

5. Ice wine

5.1. Made from grapes frozen on the vine

5.2. Temperature has to be below -7 degrees Celsius when picking

6. Special marks

6.1. St Martin´s Wine

6.1.1. Like Beaujolais Nouveau, but Czech :-)

7. Kabinet Wine

8. Selection of grapes

8.1. Full, extracted wines

9. Late harvest

9.1. Ability to process exceptionally high-quality late harvest wines (used also as this general term)

10. Dried-grape wine / Straw wine

10.1. Intense ripe

10.2. Shrivelled grapes

11. Selection of botrytis-affected berries

11.1. Selected berries affected by noble rot (form of a grey fungus)

12. Quality Wine