Wine Tasting: S-Words

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Wine Tasting: S-Words por Mind Map: Wine Tasting: S-Words

1. 1. See

1.1. Clarity

1.2. Colour

1.3. Colour Intensity

2. 2. Swirl

2.1. Aromas

2.2. Flavours

3. 3. Sniff

3.1. Intensity of aromas

3.2. Particular aromas

4. 4. Sip

5. 5. Slurp

5.1. Retro-nasal passage

5.1.1. Sensory Experience

6. 6. Spit / Swallow

7. 7. Summarize

7.1. Identifying the aromas

7.2. Describing all the wine dimensions

7.2.1. Alcohol

7.2.2. Body

7.2.3. Tannins

7.2.4. Texture