Integrated Arts

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Integrated Arts por Mind Map: Integrated Arts

1. Definition

1.1. "The investigation of curricular content through artistic explorations"

2. Characteristics

2.1. Promotes Curiosity, collaboration, critical-thinking, and communication

2.2. Provides an avenue for investigation, representation, expression, and reflection

2.3. Representational Fluency: the ability to use different symbolic systems to represent meaning

2.4. Gives real world meaning to learning

2.5. Students show what they have learned - there is no one "right" answer.

2.6. Makes connections across the curriculum

3. Differentiated Instruction

3.1. Scaffolds struggling students

3.2. Reaches all three learning styles

3.2.1. Visual: Visual arts, gesture in storytelling,, and tableaux in drama.

3.2.2. Auditory: Music, storytelling, drama, and poetry

3.2.3. Kinesthetic: creative movement, drama, and storytelling

4. Culturally Responsive Teaching

4.1. Builds bridges for diverse learners

4.2. It's not about creating professional artists, but about deepening learning and reaching students of every ability, ethnicity, and linguistic background

4.3. Teaches diverse knowledge and skill

5. Content Area Examples

5.1. Math Connection

5.1.1. Look at the objects you are drawing, break them down into geometric shapes to find the simple make-up of the objects.

5.2. Literacy Connection

5.2.1. Use personification by brining your observational drawing to life.

5.3. World Language Connection

5.3.1. Compare and contrast two artists from different parts of the world. Document how their drawings differ and are alike.

5.4. Social Studies Connection

5.4.1. Observe how style and clothing have changed over time. Document this in your observational drawing.

5.5. Science Connection

5.5.1. Observe, then document through drawing how man-made objects differ from objects in nature.