Common Grammatical Errors

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Common Grammatical Errors por Mind Map: Common Grammatical Errors

1. 4.Omitted commas

1.1. When two sentences are parallel and have no conjunction between them, they are joined by a semicolon. When the verb is left out of the second one, use a comma to show the verb is missing.

1.1.1. Example 1. - Incorrect: I looked for it in the garage and in the house. - Revised: I looked for it in the garage, in the house.

1.1.2. 2. - Incorrect: The band who is from Europe performed in the U.S. for the first time. - Revised: The band, who is from Europe, performed in the U.S. for the first time.

2. 5. Incorrect subject- verb agreement

2.1. Use the verb correctly in accordance with the subject. The consistency between the subject and the verb. If the subject is singular The verb must be singular. If the subject is plural The verb must be plural.

2.1.1. Example 1. -Incorrect: The team of Americans were the best in the tournament. -Revised: The team of Americans was the best in the tournament.

2.1.2. 2. -Incorrect: The collection of documents from the revolution were stolen. -Revised: The collection of documents from the revolution was stolen.

3. 1. Incorrect word form

4. 2.Unclear pronoun reference

4.1. Use pronouns to represent nouns. But it's not clear which noun is used instead. Find the pronoun and replace it with the antecedent. If the pronoun reference is clear, the sentence should make sense.

4.1.1. Example : 1. - Incorrect: If you arrive late to the play, they won't let you in. - Revised: If you arrive late to the play, the ushers won't let you in.

4.1.2. 2. - Incorrect: On the internet it says that it might tomorrow. - Revised: The weather forecast on the internet says that it might rain tomorrow

5. 3. Incorrect use of articles

5.1. The incorrect use or omission of a, an and the There are two types of Articles Indefinite Articles; a/ an for non-specific nouns and Definite Articles; the is used for specific nouns.

5.1.1. Example: 1. - Incorrect: He is best player in the team. - Revised: He is the best player in the team.

5.1.2. 2. - Incorrect: We should not make noise. - Revised: We should not make a noise.