Digitalization as a challenge

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Digitalization as a challenge por Mind Map: Digitalization as a challenge

1. Cyber Security

1.1. to increase the consumers trust

1.1.1. As customers become more central to the business model, protecting their data is the key to success.

1.2. Raise the awareness of the board of directors and management to be aware of cybersecurity risks and take greater responsibility in this regard.

2. Custumer Experience

2.1. Improve Customer Experience

2.1.1. Pay attencion to the customers human barriers, like lenguage or culture

2.2. Renew products and services

2.2.1. Enable consumers to perform a variety of different services and activities To catch more consumers

2.2.2. To adapt to the fluctuating market improve the ability to change quickly in response to fluctuating consumer demand.

3. increase the transactions

3.1. Secured new funding

3.2. optimize the available resources

3.2.1. Access more consumers to increase online transactions

3.2.2. Build relationships with business and other stakeholders to communicate the value of IT to the digital enterprise.

4. A year ago, a study revealed that as organizations increase their digital capabilities, they are reaching the leading edge.

5. To create digitalization at scale, CIOs and senior IT leaders are focused on building capabilities to support consumer engagement.