The use of computer technology in EFL classroom advantages and implications

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The use of computer technology in EFL classroom advantages and implications por Mind Map: The use of computer technology  in EFL classroom advantages and implications

1. The main role of computer technology in EFL students

1.1. To give a very interactive learning environment to EFL students.

1.2. Computer technology offers channels of communication between class members and distant learners, so students can develop practices, exercises and other online activities.

2. Highlightened language skills are:

2.1. Listening comprehension skill

2.1.1. Listening digital speeches, songs and watch videos, help students to develop this important english skill.

2.2. Speaking skill

2.2.1. Students can master this skill using different technological methods such as: computer, internet, cellphone, smartphone, tablets, etc.

2.3. Reading comprehesion

2.3.1. Learning vocabulary It is a technique that helps students to learn vocabulary significantly faster than the traditional way of teaching vocabulary.

2.4. Writing skill

2.4.1. The use of computer technology helps students to improve the writing skill. Specifically when they need write summaries, essay, or stories, tales, and others.

3. Implications of computer technology in EFL classrooms.

3.1. The computer technology has a strong implication in EFL classrooms and it is demanding to increase the hours focused to the language learning.

4. There are some advantages of computer technology in classroom.

4.1. * The computer technology helps hugely to understand texts.

4.2. * The computer technology encourages a more suitable environment in classes.

4.3. *The computer technology promotes a self learning in a constructivist enviroment.

5. Assessment and testing of computer technology in EFL classrooms.

5.1. The use of computer technology offers a confident tool in order to ensure the correct assessment of the language abilities.

5.2. Students have the possibilities to take online tests.