Cherokee's Occupational Story: Founder's Day Week for Sigma Gamma Rho

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Cherokee's Occupational Story: Founder's Day Week for Sigma Gamma Rho por Mind Map: Cherokee's Occupational Story: Founder's Day Week for Sigma Gamma Rho

1. Occupational Overview

1.1. This week is spent putting on various events in the community and university campus in order to benefit the surrounding community and individuals, in honor of the national founding of Sigma Gamma Rho. Every day of the week, an event was executed to benefit the community or children within the community.

2. Cherokee's Context

2.1. She is a first generation student and greek organization member, making this founder's week very significant and unique to her within her family tree. She first met this outstanding group of women at a poetry night event and was soon pledged to the sorority soon after. Celebration of the founding of SGR is extensive, requiring lots of planning and teamwork. It is so meaningful to the women of SGR, that many alumns of the chapter and national chapter fly into town to be apart of it.

2.1.1. At the time of founder's day week, Cherokee was of an appropriate collegiate age and was apart of a national multicultural organization that was a sorority apart of the divine nine present on campus. Cherokee was seeking out a college education. All of these things within her life were appropriate factors in putting on and participating in these meaningful events on campus.

3. Cherokee's Performance Patterns

3.1. Roles: Vice President of Recruitment & Social events (in charge of planning and building each event up to the day)

3.2. Rituals: Founder's Day Week full of annual events and sorority rituals (having the same shared picnic with a fraternity that shared the same founder's day); cultural wellness and celebration

4. Performance Skills

4.1. Motor Skills: reaches, bends, stabilizes, transports, moves, lifts, coordinates, walks, paces

4.2. Process Skills: paces, heeds, chooses, uses, handles, inquires, initiates, continues, sequences, terminates, searches/locates, gathers, organizes, restores, navigates, adjusts, accommodates, benefits

4.3. Social Interaction Skills: approaches/starts, concludes/disengages, produces speech, gesticulates, speaks fluently, turns towards, looks, places self, touches, regulates, questions, replies, discloses, disagrees, thanks, transitions, times response, times duration, takes turns, matches language, clarifies, acknowledges/encourages, heeds, benefits, accommodates

5. Client Factors

5.1. Values: Education as a means of giving and change (many events were centered around offering educational tools and supplies to to children and schools that were underprivileged) (Sigma Gamma Rho was founded by 7 school teachers, so this value goes all the way from personal level to the national level.)

5.2. Beliefs

5.2.1. Personal: What you put into the universe, you get back; for example, if you are positive, you will receive positive things back

5.2.2. Group: Even if they are from a smaller organization, they can still make a big difference

5.2.3. Population/National: you can achieve progress in awareness and leadership development

5.3. Spirituality: being around a group of alike-minded women who offered a great example of how to live (reminds her of how her mother raised her, and on what values); they prayed over Cherokee many times and encourage spirituality

5.4. Body Functions: higher level cognition, attention, memory, perception, thought, emotional, experience of self and time, consciousness, orientation, temperament and personality, energy, sleep, visual functions, hearing functions, vestibular functions, proprioceptive functions, touch functions, interoception, pain, joint stability, muscle endurance, motor reflexes, involuntary movement, voluntary movement, gait, respiratory functions, voice and speech

5.5. Body Structures: voice and speech, eyes and ears, structures related to movement