Describing learning and teaching

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Describing learning and teaching por Mind Map: Describing learning and teaching

1. Task-Based Learning (TBL)

2. Different times, different methods

2.1. Lexical approach

2.1.1. It was suggested that we should structure our curriculum around language chunks

2.2. Silent way

2.2.1. Teachers do Little talking and the onus is put on the students

2.3. Community language learning

2.3.1. Bilingual teachers help students to Translate what they want to say from they first language into the language they are learning

2.4. Grammar translation

2.5. Audio-lingualism

2.6. PPP (Produce, practice and production)

3. Elements for succesful language learning (ESA):

3.1. Engage

3.1.1. When students are properly engaged, their involvement in the study and activation stages is likely to be far more pronounced

3.2. Study

3.2.1. Study activities are those where students are asked to focus on the construction of something

3.3. Activate

3.3.1. Describes excercises and activities which are designed to get students using language as freely communícate as they can

4. ESA Lesson sequences

4.1. Engage ---> Study ---> Activate

4.2. Straight arrows

4.2.1. Type of teaching sequence taking students in straight time.

4.3. Method

4.3.1. Engage Teacher gets the class interested.

4.3.2. Study Students study something.

4.3.3. Activate Try to activate it by putting it into production.

5. Children and language

5.1. Language acquisition

5.1.1. To be able to learn languages

5.2. Children

5.2.1. To be able to learn languages with incredible facility [Subconsciously]

5.3. Pubert

5.3.1. Language acquisition is much more dificult

5.4. Acquisition

5.4.1. Get language without thinking about grammar or vocabulary

5.5. Rough tuning

5.5.1. Match child’s age and situation

6. Acquisition and learning

6.1. Acquisition

6.2. Learning

6.2.1. The former is subconsciously.

6.2.2. Conscious process where separate ítems from the language are studied and practised.

6.3. Comprensible input

6.3.1. Language that the students understand more or less.

6.4. Stephen Krashen

6.4.1. Suggested that teachers should concentrate on acquisition rather than learning.