Takaways from the "7 habits of highly effective people discussion"

A pool of ideas as a followup to a Speaking Club on Effectiveness

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Takaways from the "7 habits of highly effective people discussion" por Mind Map: Takaways from the "7 habits of highly effective people discussion"

1. Please write in 3 words things you'll take home from our discussion. (Double click to add)

1.1. Please write in 3 words things you'll take home from our discussion. (Double click to add)

1.2. Sharpen your saw - keep learning all the time

1.2.1. Please write in 3 words things you'll take home from our discussion. (Double click to add)

2. Being patient, listen to people attentively

3. - sometimes, it can take some time to change your paradigms - personality is a tree that relies on its roots (one's character) -

4. Maturity continuum, personal victory --> public victory

5. interdependence, changing the paradigm, see-do-get

6. Hi there

7. Public victory, interconnectedness

8. 1. you get what you see 2.interdependence is essential for growing as a person 3.you are able to shift your paradigms and change your life

9. 1. don't change behaviour, change paradigm 2. cooperate 3. be effective in way to be more effective in future

10. avoid jumping to conclusions; change your outlook to change outcomes; effectiveness is also about the future, not just immediate results