What do you think scheduling in the LLC should look like, sound like, and feel like?

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What do you think scheduling in the LLC should look like, sound like, and feel like? por Mind Map: What do you think scheduling in the LLC should look like, sound like, and feel like?

1. Flexible and collaborative

2. It should LOOK effective, SOUND collaborative, and FEEL easy to manage!

3. Available, welcoming, and simple!

4. Easy to follow

4.1. Convenient, easy,

5. The schedule should be easily accessible - perhaps in digital format on the LLC website or through an outlook calendar that can be viewed by staff at any time.

6. Look Like: Online forsure so that everyone can see the changes and book last minute if there are openings. I think there should be a library schedule separate from the Librarian schedule. They are connected but they shouldn't be restricted by each other.

7. Flexible with student learning as the top priority.

8. Organized and accessible! It should also be straight forward, easy to use and consistent (in terms of function) but flexible (in terms of adapting to changes that occur throughout the school year).

9. Convenient, productive, and inviting!

10. Easily accessible

11. One stop, where everyone knows where to go and can see all posts.

12. It should be easy to access all the bookable options. The booked time slots should be very obvious and it should be easy to make multiple bookings.

13. Fair access for all staff members

13.1. user friendly