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Clock por Mind Map: Clock

1. Numbers

1.1. Roman Numerals

1.2. 3, 6, 9 and 12

2. Hands

2.1. Delicate

2.2. Triangular

3. Mechanism

3.1. Simple

3.2. Exposed

4. Materials

4.1. Recycled plastic

4.2. Cast metal

5. Colour

5.1. Charcoal/Grey

5.2. Texture

5.2.1. Smooth

5.2.2. Raw manufactured finish

6. Form

6.1. Sense of depth

6.2. Face recessed from outer

6.3. Numbers recessed

7. Manufacturing

7.1. 3d print

7.2. Cast

8. Attachment

8.1. Wall

8.1.1. Sleek

8.1.2. Picture hanger inspiration