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Stress management por Mind Map: Stress management

1. medecine of work can suggest

1.1. therapy

1.2. Drugs

1.3. group of help

1.4. seminar

1.5. CBD

2. Cultural activities

2.1. Music

2.2. cinema

2.3. Concert

2.4. Nature

2.5. Travel

2.6. Painting/drawing

2.7. Series

2.8. theater

3. Body solutions

3.1. Yoga

3.2. Jogging

3.3. Swimming

3.4. Mediatate

3.5. Massage

3.6. Relaxation

4. Relationships

4.1. Family

4.2. Friends

4.3. Lover

4.4. Sex

5. Causes

5.1. School/exams

5.2. Work

5.3. oral prestation

5.4. crowd

5.5. Toxic relation ships

5.6. Futur

5.7. Time

5.8. lifestyle

5.9. Meet new people

6. Consequences

6.1. Insomia/hypersomnia

6.2. Alimentation trouble

6.3. Headache

6.4. Hypertension

6.5. Irritability

6.6. Tears

6.7. Chronic anxiety

7. Avoid

7.1. Alchool

7.2. Cigarets

7.3. Drugs

7.4. Sugar

7.5. Caffeine