The Teen Brain

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The Teen Brain por Mind Map: The Teen Brain

1. Brain's Reward Center

1.1. Brain Development

1.1.1. back to front

1.1.2. 4 diffeent lobes

1.2. decision making

1.3. when&how

1.4. triad

2. Growth Mindset

2.1. improvement

2.2. Fixed Mindset

2.2.1. avoid challenges

2.3. biofeedback

3. Consciousness

3.1. awareness

3.1.1. Unconsciousness unawareness

4. Body Systems

4.1. involuntary actions

4.1.1. when fail, AED/CPR

5. Memory

5.1. 5 Senses

5.1.1. familiarity tied with a memory

5.2. save,store,recall

5.3. reactivation of neurons

6. Affiliation

6.1. Oxytocin

6.1.1. Aggression Violence

7. Stress Management

7.1. Decision Making

7.1.1. fight or flight

7.2. physical&mental

7.3. acute&chronic

8. Self Regulation

8.1. remember

8.2. plan

8.3. monitor

9. Survival

9.1. Sleep

9.1.1. sedation

9.1.2. decreased arousal

9.2. Physical Activity

9.2.1. Nutrition neurons need energy

9.2.2. Physical risks

9.2.3. using energy w/body

9.3. Reproduction