TD Internal Comms

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TD Internal Comms por Mind Map: TD Internal Comms

1. The Red line

2. Audiences

2.1. Audience Analysis and Segmentation

2.2. Content Needs

2.2.1. Expressed Operations Recognition Inspiration

2.3. Supporting their voice

2.3.1. language skills?

2.4. Incentivize contribution

3. Governance

3.1. Security

3.2. Confidentiality standards- - support or create

3.3. Communicate the policy for external /social media

3.4. review and approvals

4. Cultural Guardrails

4.1. Align: corporate strategy, plans tools

4.2. Act with urgency, fast fail, 30-60-90

4.3. Collaborative

4.4. Built to last

4.5. Share up-down- across

4.6. Tone: Fun, Intuitive- avoid "smart-talk trap"

4.7. Relevant

4.7.1. targeted

4.7.2. Versioned, maintained


5.1. Karen Melville

5.1.1. Sr. Manager, Storytelling, Content & Market Intelligence

5.2. Katy Chang

5.2.1. Sr. Manager, Executive Communications

5.3. Louise Watts

5.3.1. Sr. Manager, Internal, Culture & Change Communications

5.4. Connie Dudum

5.5. Aida Jones

5.5.1. Director, Corporate Marketing & Media Relations

5.6. Anthea Franettovich

5.6.1. xecutive Assistant


6.1. new from TD IC - distribution vehicle TBD/ may include scrolling text on device, Sharepoint or digital signage, text


7.1. Short SlideDo to be covered in live staff meeytings (Not discretionary?)

8. Sharepoint for doc. management?

8.1. Support the roll out with change management- share successes with cross functional counterparts

8.2. Develop guardrails for content submission, dated, versioned, author, status, confidentiality, reuse restrictions, links, footnotes

9. Sharepoint for intranet

9.1. Research and identify best practices

9.2. Drive ubiquitous adoption through aggresive change management tactics

9.3. Seed content with FAQs, training, measure utilization, liasion with IT for TD evolving requirements

10. Distribution lists for email

10.1. Establsih TD requirements for user based profiles

10.2. Establsih TD requirements for auto generating org chart with picures

11. Tools Needs

11.1. one to many

11.1.1. low touch

11.2. many to many

11.2.1. gamification?

11.2.2. incentivize ( up votes, rate etc.)

11.3. real time

11.3.1. Digital Signanage

11.4. near real time

11.5. knowledge capital

11.5.1. retrievable

11.5.2. status, author, date,auto-tagged?

11.6. Calendar and publishing guidelines

11.6.1. develop

11.6.2. communicate

11.6.3. reinforce and operationalize

12. Corporate Tool Set

12.1. NeoMentum

12.1.1. Print, monthly magazine

12.2. 30@3

12.2.1. Video, weekly

12.3. Town Halls

12.3.1. Quarterly, live

12.4. NeomX talks

12.4.1. Monthly, live and recorded

12.5. Leadership Walk Arounds

12.5.1. Potential to reinforce target, important topics

13. Tools to Develop