Center for Youth Achievements

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Center for Youth Achievements por Mind Map: Center for Youth Achievements

1. Funding

1.1. Research Grants

1.2. Get a business bank account

1.3. Establish a business line of credit

1.4. Seek out donors

1.4.1. Individual/social media campaigns

1.4.2. Funders/Investors/Event Sponsors

1.5. Create Expense & Revenue Budget

2. Marketing

2.1. Social Media pages

2.2. Take professional photos to use for branded materials

2.3. Create flyers & do community canvassing

2.4. Create Logo

3. Recruitment

3.1. Volunteers

3.2. Youth

3.3. Staff

4. Virtual Platform

4.1. Weigh pros and cons

4.2. What platform meets need?

5. Personal Development

6. Administrative Task

6.1. File paper work to legally establish nonprofit

6.2. Create social media pages

6.3. Secure business bank account

7. Strategic Plan

7.1. SWOT Analysis

7.2. Write strategic plan

7.2.1. Business Plan

7.3. Create Mission/Vision Statement

8. Brick & Mortar

8.1. Research property on Sedgley Ave

8.2. Research properties in 19121 and 32 zip codes that have multiple rooms and parking

9. Stakeholders

9.1. Youth

9.2. Parents/Guardians

9.3. Community