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Goals por Mind Map: Goals

1. 3 Months

2. 1 Month

2.1. South Florida

2.1.1. Work with Randy Rand

2.1.2. Work with Mellissa Cheeks

3. 3 weeks

3.1. Hawaii

4. 2 weeks

4.1. Finalize Corporate Structure with Tom Dorr

5. 1 week

5.1. Connect with a number of people at Inman Connect and AgentReboot in San Francisco

5.1.1. Jay Thompson

5.1.2. Jeffrey Buettner

5.1.3. Jason Gesing

6. 5 Year

6.1. Total Financial Indepedence

6.1.1. $10,000,000 Minimum Liquid Net Worth

6.1.2. $30,000,000 Minimum Total Net Worth

6.1.3. $100,000 / Month minimum personal cashflow

6.2. 1 Waterfront Home

6.2.1. Pacific Northwest or Vancouver BC Workout Studio jetting out onto into the water Glass walls looking out to the islands

6.2.2. 180 degree view of the water

6.2.3. Gourmet Kitchen

6.2.4. Open Floorplan

6.2.5. 2500 square feet

6.3. Traveling

6.3.1. Worldwide Europe South Africa South America

6.4. Automobiles

6.4.1. Tesla Sedan

6.4.2. Some sort of two seater car

6.5. Businesses

6.5.1. A couple of mainline businesses eXp Realty 30,000 Agents Public Company $300,000,000 minimum company value Interactive Cafe 100 locations Net $150,000 / year / location

7. 3 Year

7.1. Financially Free

7.1.1. $50,000 / month personal cashflow

7.1.2. $1,000,000 Minimum Liquid Net Worth

7.1.3. $10,000,000 Minimum Total Net Worth

7.2. Putting kids through University wherever they would like to go

7.3. Executive Home

7.3.1. Maybe leasing / maybe buying

7.3.2. Could be 5 year home or something in between

7.4. Traveling

7.4.1. Primarily North America for business / personal travel

7.5. Automobile

7.5.1. Paid off Audi A8

7.6. Businesses

7.6.1. eXp Realty 5000 - 10000 agents Getting ready to go public $100,000,000 Company Valuation

7.6.2. Out of the Box Office Corporation National Co-working company which is well franchised at this time

8. 1 Year

8.1. Financially Solid

8.1.1. $20,000 / month personal cashflow

8.1.2. $130,000 minimum liquid net worth

8.1.3. $5,000,000 minimum total net worth Company ownership valuation

8.2. Picking a new city to live in next year at this time

8.2.1. San Diego

8.2.2. Chicago

8.2.3. Toronto

8.2.4. Vancouver

8.3. Traveling

8.3.1. Primarily for Business in North America

8.4. Automobile

8.4.1. Audi A8

8.5. Businesses

8.5.1. eXp Realty 1000 agents