Graphing Linear Functions

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Graphing Linear Functions por Mind Map: Graphing Linear Functions

1. Order of Operations BEDMAS

1.1. Solve multi-step equations

2. Adding and Subtraction facts

2.1. Addition and Subtraction Inverses

3. Vocabulary

3.1. Linear Function

3.2. Coordinates

3.3. Substitution

3.4. Coefficient

3.5. Constant

3.6. Transformation

3.7. Axis


3.9. Slope

4. Encounters with functional relationships in their lives.

4.1. Patterning

4.1.1. Number of burgers: Cost

4.1.2. Litres of gas: price

4.1.3. Age: number of chores

4.1.4. Hours worked : Pay

4.1.5. Understanding what factors change linear relationships

5. Multiplication and division

5.1. Finding LCM and GCF

5.1.1. Prime and Composite Numbers

5.2. Multiplication and Division Inverses

5.3. Fractions

5.3.1. Set up and Simplify ratios

6. Graphing

6.1. x and y axis

6.1.1. Horizontal vs. Vertical

6.2. Cartesian coordinate System

6.2.1. plotting x and y on a graph

6.3. Evaluate Equations

6.3.1. Drawing x and y tables

6.4. Substitution

6.4.1. Function tables

6.5. Dependent Relationships

7. Algebra

7.1. Know what a linear relationship is

7.2. Understand what variables represent

7.3. Rearranging Linear Functions in to the form y=mx+b

7.3.1. Understand and calculate y interstept

7.3.2. Calculate and evaluate slope