Pooja's Mindmap: Consequences of the Sinhalese-Tamil conflict

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Pooja's Mindmap: Consequences of the Sinhalese-Tamil conflict por Mind Map: Pooja's Mindmap: Consequences of the Sinhalese-Tamil conflict

1. Political Consequences

1.1. Armed conflict

1.1.1. Tamil youths formed LTTE to fight for a separate independent state. Often used violence to achieve aim.

1.2. Foreign Intervention

1.2.1. Resulted in signing of a peace accord but it was not carried out in full.

2. Social Consequences

2.1. Sri Lankan Tamils driven out of their homeland

2.1.1. Had to live in refugee camps

3. Economic Consequences

3.1. Unemployment

3.1.1. thousands of factory workers,the self-employed and plantation workers lost jobs. Mainly were Sinhalese who took part in vandalising,looting and burning their places of work.

3.2. Loss of investments from other countries

3.3. Fall in the number of tourists

3.3.1. Affected economy adversely