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Django por Mind Map: Django

1. Forms

1.1. Django’s Forms - Python Django Tutorials

1.2. Django Forms - JournalDev

2. Tally interest Calculation

2.1. Simple interest

2.2. Compound interest

2.3. Interest Calculation

2.4. Interest Calculations in Tally ERP 9 | Tally Solutions

2.5. How to Use Interest Calculation in TallyPrime | TallyHelp

3. Fileupload

3.1. Blob type

3.1.1. Storing Digital Files in Remote SQL Databases In Python

3.2. File location

4. remote sql details

4.1. Created! You have successfully created a new database. The details are below. Username: 8x1kPxIAC7 Database name: 8x1kPxIAC7 Password: jrWsWTeOCQ Server: Port: 3306 These are the username and password to log in to your database and phpMyAdmin Make sure you keep your password secure. Ensure you keep back ups of your database in case it gets deleted.